WireWar Prt2: Asteroids with bite
PSPKOR has released WireWar Prt2, an Asteroids clone for the PSP. The game places you in the cockpit of a mighty triangle as you try and shoot down squares with your pixel gun. Learn mroe after the jump!
Download: WireWar Prt2
PSPKOR has released WireWar Prt2, an Asteroids clone for the PSP. The game places you in the cockpit of a mighty triangle as you try and shoot down squares with your pixel gun.
In this game, you have 99 seconds to take down as many rotating squares as you can. However, you generally are only able to fire one shot at a time, so you have to make that short count. The size of the square you hit also determines your points; the smaller the square, the more points you get, with extra points for firing at moving targets.
Here’s a list of the new features of this game.
- Power up, so you can shoot two bullets, if you get 500 points.
- Another target which moves.
- Stars in the background.
- Sounds.
- Screen glows when you hit a target.
- Burst of color when you hit a target.
- Go on and off the screen.
- Pause menu.
- A bit more info on the start sceen.
Feel free to try it out and let us know what you think in the comments. Enjoy!
Download: WireWar Prt2
Via DCEmu