World in Confict – a battalion of videos

What if the Cold War didn’t end? The peace talks failed and the Berlin Wall never fell? We’ll see that World War III scenario in Massive Entertainment‘s World in Conflict.

The USSR takes the fight into US soil and all hell breaks loose. In the gameplay videos, we see all out war. You don’t want to be on the ground when a sudden flash of light engulfs the entire battlefield and a mushroom cloud appears and flattens the area. That’s the power of tactical nukes. Martin Walfisz, founder and president of Massive Entertainment also gives us some insight on the gameplay (multiplayer included) of World in Conflict.

The weapons and vehicles are the historically accurate. Camera shots look good and according to Walfisz, “you can destroy anything you see”. Interesting. We’ll quit the prattle and let you judge for yourself. World in Conflict‘s release is still yet to be announced but we’ll keep you posted. Enjoy the videos!

Check out the Multiplayer gameplay videos right after the jump!

What if the Cold War didn’t end? The peace talks failed and the Berlin Wall never fell? We’ll see that World War III scenario in Massive Entertainment‘s World in Conflict.

The USSR takes the fight into US soil and all hell breaks loose. In the gameplay videos, we see all out war. You don’t want to be on the ground when a sudden flash of light engulfs the entire battlefield and a mushroom cloud appears and flattens the area. That’s the power of tactical nukes. Martin Walfisz, founder and president of Massive Entertainment also gives us some insight on the gameplay (multiplayer included) of World in Conflict.

The weapons and vehicles are the historically accurate. Camera shots look good and according to Walfisz, “you can destroy anything you see.” Interesting. We’ll quit the prattle and let you judge for yourself. World in Conflict‘s release is still yet to be announced but we’ll keep you posted. Enjoy the videos!

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