World of Warcraft Battleground reward issues and Blizzard’s views
With so much focus being braved by Blizzard for World of Warcraft Arena and Raid players, there was little else plated for the avid Battleground warriors. Even this blogger’s news on recent events and developments in the World of Warcraft scene seem flooded with Raid and Arena news outnumbering those related to the trusty Battleground skirmishes.
Now while many of the people still do think that the Honor system is flawed – and no matter how much Blizzard claims that it’s been retuned – others believe that the flawed system would allow many players to gain the Epic rewards with little effort, and they believe it’s caused a concern for Blizzard. Who would want to give out such highly prized rewards for something as feeble as AFKing?
But Blizzard promised to deliver more content or at least some developments for the Battleground players, though some things just fall behind against other instances lately. The biggest issue is the rewards players get through the Battleground Honor system. Hellaciouss of Turalyon finally stood up for the Battleground community, only to be faced with an answer which addresses all communities and instances across all the realms.
Click on Full Article to find out more on the growing issue.
With so much focus being braved by Blizzard for World of Warcraft Arena and Raid players, there was little else plated for the avid Battleground warriors. Even this blogger’s news on recent events and developments in the World of Warcraft scene seem flooded with Raid and Arena news outnumbering those related to the trusty Battleground skirmishes.
Now while many of the people still do think that the Honor system is flawed – and no matter how much Blizzard claims that it’s been retuned – others believe that the flawed system would allow many players to gain the Epic rewards with little effort, and they believe it’s caused a concern for Blizzard. Who would want to give out such highly prized rewards for something as feeble as AFKing?
But Blizzard promised to deliver more content or at least some developments for the Battleground players, though some things just fall behind against other instances lately. The biggest issue is the rewards players get through the Battleground Honor system. Hellaciouss of Turalyon finally stood up for the Battleground community, only to be faced with an answer which addresses all communities and instances across all the realms.
So why do the developers think that there should be no Epic Level 70 set as a reward? Well, drooling Ent Drysc took the podium and slurred spoke a lengthy piece:
The high-end battleground rewards are intended to always be about a tier behind just because that’s what we feel the effort, time, and skill needed to gain honor points in the battlegrounds warrants. The arena rewards are intended to always be about on-par with the current tier players are progressing on, because that’s what we feel the effort, time, and skill warrant. The arena relies on those things quite a bit more; and while it still allows those that aren’t doing well in the competitive environment eventual access to high end rewards, it’s going to take much much longer than the teams that are really up there and deserve them. There’s also something to be said for getting a group together to PvP, versus just joining a battleground queue solo. One takes quite a bit of effort, interaction, etc. and the other not so much.
As to why the honor system doesn’t have a full set – the intent is for them to fill in the missing pieces of the arena set, if you so choose. We’re of course committed to continuing to expand and evolve the battleground and arena systems.
So that would mean the only time a purpz Battleground set for the muscular Level 70 hero is only likely to come out when Blizzard takes you to the freezing north, or to the wonderland greenhouse…or whatever expansion content they’ve got set for release in a couple of months time. Either that or you’re going to have to switch modes to squad-based combat in a little Arena bout just to eliminate the wafty drafts in your armor’s “naked” spots.
Via Wow Forums