WoW bosses Vashj and Al’ar’s hotfix re-deployed

World of Warcraft - Two bosses hotfixed again - Image 1

Just a couple of weeks back, we reported that two bosses, Al’ar and Vashj got hotfixes. Well, those hotfixes were actually recalled when some problems were encountered. Daelo, Lead Encounter Designer had promised that they will reapply the fixes and announced earlier today at the World of Warcraft Forums that they have been reapplied.

Here are the hotfixes:

– During Phase 2 of the Lady Vashj encounter in Serpentshrine Cavern, there was a significant chance that a Coilfang Strider could spawn at a particular point that would cause the creature to evade. The Strider evading would then reset the entire encounter prematurely. We’ve made a modification to the spawn point that should prevent this behavior.

– During Phase 2 of the Al’ar encounter in Tempest Keep, Al’ar occasionally charges at a random player. The damage dealt by the Charge was severe enough to immediately kill a lightly armored target even if the player was at full health. We’ve reduced the damage done by this Charge ability. Al’ar’s swing timer is also reset on the Charge, which should prevent a normal melee swing immediately after the Charge occurs.

Note that there was a slight clarification in the Al’ar encounter. Anyway, time to visit Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye at Tempest Keep perhaps?

World of Warcraft - Two bosses hotfixed again - Image 1

Just a couple of weeks back, we reported that two bosses, Al’ar and Vashj got hotfixes. Well, those hotfixes were actually recalled when some problems were encountered. Daelo, Lead Encounter Designer had promised that they will reapply the fixes and announced earlier today at the World of Warcraft Forums that they have been reapplied.

Here are the hotfixes:

– During Phase 2 of the Lady Vashj encounter in Serpentshrine Cavern, there was a significant chance that a Coilfang Strider could spawn at a particular point that would cause the creature to evade. The Strider evading would then reset the entire encounter prematurely. We’ve made a modification to the spawn point that should prevent this behavior.

– During Phase 2 of the Al’ar encounter in Tempest Keep, Al’ar occasionally charges at a random player. The damage dealt by the Charge was severe enough to immediately kill a lightly armored target even if the player was at full health. We’ve reduced the damage done by this Charge ability. Al’ar’s swing timer is also reset on the Charge, which should prevent a normal melee swing immediately after the Charge occurs.

Note that there was a slight clarification in the Al’ar encounter. Anyway, time to visit Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye at Tempest Keep perhaps?

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