WoW: Nethaera confirms Gnomes in Northrend
Gnomes, according to the Warcraft lore, used to reside in Gnomeregan. However, after losing to a Trogg invasion, they were forced out of their homeland to various locations such as Darkshire, Gadgetzan and Auberdine, Tanaris, the Hinterlands, as well as Azshara.
The ruling council of the gnomes is currently located at Tinker Town in Ironforge. Until recently, the only notable settlement of this inventive race was Toshley’s Station, which is located on Blade’s Edge Mountains in Outland.
We used the word “recently”, because Blizzard poster and community manager Nethaera on the official World of Warcraft Forums has given word that there is a Gnome city in Northrend. Because of this people, have been theorizing about the wonders players may encounter such as Gnomish Submarines and robots.
However, there is another theory regarding these Gnomes, one that involves them becoming corrupted by none other than the Lich King’s avatar Arthas.
Still, it’s pretty cool that we’ll be seeing more congregations of the Gnome race. Hopefully Blizzard hurries up and releases this game because we’re waiting along with the other nine million subscribers to get hold of the expansion.
Via WoW Forums
Gnomes, according to the Warcraft lore, used to reside in Gnomeregan. However, after losing to a Trogg invasion, they were forced out of their homeland to various locations such as Darkshire, Gadgetzan and Auberdine, Tanaris, the Hinterlands, as well as Azshara.
The ruling council of the gnomes is currently located at Tinker Town in Ironforge. Until recently, the only notable settlement of this inventive race was Toshley’s Station, which is located on Blade’s Edge Mountains in Outland.
We used the word “recently”, because Blizzard poster and community manager Nethaera on the official World of Warcraft Forums has given word that there is a Gnome city in Northrend. Because of this people, have been theorizing about the wonders players may encounter such as Gnomish Submarines and robots.
However, there is another theory regarding these Gnomes, one that involves them becoming corrupted by none other than the Lich King’s avatar Arthas.
Still, it’s pretty cool that we’ll be seeing more congregations of the Gnome race. Hopefully Blizzard hurries up and releases this game because we’re waiting along with the other nine million subscribers to get hold of the expansion.
Via WoW Forums