WoW PTR: download error preventing players from entering game

WoW logo - Image 1Players in World of Warcraft’s Public Test Realms (PTR) report that they’re encountering a download error that’s preventing them from logging in. The problem was reported by Zhork over at WoW‘s PTR Forums, who explained that the problem occurred after an attempt at downloading the PTR’s most recent patch:

I went to delete my WoW Test folder and it didn’t exist, I guess i deleted it some time in the past to try to get it to work. So this is how it goes every single time I’m trying to DL it now. DL Client PC Version>DL Window Pops up(mozilla firefox)>Open>First patch fully DL’s then when you can hit finish an Error pops up saying “This update requires WoW.exe  version You have an older version,”

Zhork attempted to reinstall the game in the PC, although this didn’t remedy the problem. Fellow PTR player Kaydeethree (K3D) dropped by a little later to explained what may be causing the problem: Zhork may have multiple copies of WoW in the PC. K3D then suggested the player his WoW shortcut’s Properties menu to check the target directory to be sure it was linked to the right folder.

Blizzard spokesman Hortus further dropped by to further advise that Zhork could also attempt to place the PTR downloader directly in the WoW directory, and run it form there. The downloader would then automatically check which version of WoW.exe was in the folder. The problem seems to have been resolved according to the thread.

Via WoW official forums

WoW logo - Image 1Players in World of Warcraft’s Public Test Realms (PTR) report that they’re encountering a download error that’s preventing them from logging in. The problem was reported by Zhork over at WoW‘s PTR Forums, who explained that the problem occurred after an attempt at downloading the PTR’s most recent patch:

I went to delete my WoW Test folder and it didn’t exist, I guess i deleted it some time in the past to try to get it to work. So this is how it goes every single time I’m trying to DL it now. DL Client PC Version>DL Window Pops up(mozilla firefox)>Open>First patch fully DL’s then when you can hit finish an Error pops up saying “This update requires WoW.exe  version You have an older version,”

Zhork attempted to reinstall the game in the PC, although this didn’t remedy the problem. Fellow PTR player Kaydeethree (K3D) dropped by a little later to explained what may be causing the problem: Zhork may have multiple copies of WoW in the PC. K3D then suggested the player his WoW shortcut’s Properties menu to check the target directory to be sure it was linked to the right folder.

Blizzard spokesman Hortus further dropped by to further advise that Zhork could also attempt to place the PTR downloader directly in the WoW directory, and run it form there. The downloader would then automatically check which version of WoW.exe was in the folder. The problem seems to have been resolved according to the thread.

Via WoW official forums

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