WoW TCG: Molten Core preview – Eskhander’s Right Claw
Rush decks in Upper Deck and Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft trading card game have become a quick and efficient way to win. Games against a well-built rush tend to end by the fifth or sixth turn at the latest, so each point of damage dealt in the early game is cause for opponents to panic (based on my experience in tournaments).
This pre-preview is of Eskhander’s Right Claw from the Molten Core Raid deck, a card that helps aggro decks put the damage count in their favor much faster than thought possible.
Most Horde aggro decks are either running Kagra of the Crossroads from the core set or Tiril Dawrider from Beyond the Dark Portal. This puts one damage on your opponent unless he got first drop, in which case he may have had time to put out a defender. With Eskhander’s Right claw, you either damage him for one and take out a defender or set him back by two points. The discard shouldn’t hurt very much if you’ve constructed your deck around it by putting in other equipment to help seal the deal (i.e. Krol Blade, Scimitar of the Nexus Stalker, Felstriker).
For those who don’t know yet, all the cards in the Molten Core treasure packs are now of equal rarity. Although the set has become smaller (30 cards as compared to Onyxia’s 33), it should be easier for most players to get complete sets of the equipment than before. We don’t know about you guys, but aggro might be the new meta-game after this Raid deck comes out.
Rush decks in Upper Deck and Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft trading card game have become a quick and efficient way to win. Games against a well-built rush tend to end by the fifth or sixth turn at the latest, so each point of damage dealt in the early game is cause for opponents to panic (based on my experience in tournaments).
This pre-preview is of Eskhander’s Right Claw from the Molten Core Raid deck, a card that helps aggro decks put the damage count in their favor much faster than thought possible.
Most Horde aggro decks are either running Kagra of the Crossroads from the core set or Tiril Dawrider from Beyond the Dark Portal. This puts one damage on your opponent unless he got first drop, in which case he may have had time to put out a defender. With Eskhander’s Right claw, you either damage him for one and take out a defender or set him back by two points. The discard shouldn’t hurt very much if you’ve constructed your deck around it by putting in other equipment to help seal the deal (i.e. Krol Blade, Scimitar of the Nexus Stalker, Felstriker).
For those who don’t know yet, all the cards in the Molten Core treasure packs are now of equal rarity. Although the set has become smaller (30 cards as compared to Onyxia’s 33), it should be easier for most players to get complete sets of the equipment than before. We don’t know about you guys, but aggro might be the new meta-game after this Raid deck comes out.