WoW weekly maintenance: List of excluded realms
It’s time once again for what World of Warcraft users dread the most — the servers’ weekly maintenance. While it induces withdrawal symptoms for some, others are able to go on living their lives quite normally…we think. Hahaha. But this time, there will be exceptions to the momentary WoW deprivation, as we have with us the list of realms that’ll have extended database maintenance and those that will remain online during the maintenance period. Okay, here goes:
For extended database maintenance: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Anvilmar, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel’Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Tanaris, The Venture Co, Uldaman, Undermine
The extended database maintenance is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 14 at 5:00 AM PST to November 15 at 5:00 PM PST. Meanwhile, the following are the lucky realms who won’t be affected by the scheduled maintenance:
Excluded realms: Aegwynn, Agamaggan, Akama, Alexstrasza, Alleria, Aman’Thul, Azshara, Balnazzar, Barthilas, Blackhand, Blackrock, Cho’gall, Chromaggus, Dark Iron, Dath’Remar, Destromath, Dethecus, Detheroc, Draka, Drak’thul, Eitrigg, Emerald, Dream, Frostmourne, Frostwolf, Garithos, Garona, Gorgonnash, Greymane, Gul’dan, Hakkar, Hellscream, Illidan, Jubei’Thos, Kael’thas, Kalecgos, Khaz Modan, Khaz’goroth, Kil’Jaeden, Kilrogg, Kirin Tor, Korgath, Kul Tiras, Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Malfurion, Malorne, Moonrunner, Mug’thol, Muradin, Ner’zhul, Proudmoore, Rexxar, Runetotem, Sargeras, Sen’Jin, Silver Hand, Spinebreaker, Staghelm, Stormreaver, Thorium Brotherhood, Tichondrius, Twisting Nether, Ursin, Vek’nilash, Whisperwind, WildHammer
All other realms not listed will undergo their normal maintenance on Tuesday, November 14 from 5:00 a.m. PST until approximately 11:00 a.m. PST. So for the lucky fellas who are playing in the excluded realms, yes, you’ll get to continue playing WoW and will most probably postpone personal interaction with fellow humans. Hahaha. We’ll keep you posted for more developments. For the meantime, check out the latest WoW mods we have why don’t cha?
Via WorldofWarcraft
It’s time once again for what World of Warcraft users dread the most — the servers’ weekly maintenance. While it induces withdrawal symptoms for some, others are able to go on living their lives quite normally…we think. Hahaha. But this time, there will be exceptions to the momentary WoW deprivation, as we have with us the list of realms that’ll have extended database maintenance and those that will remain online during the maintenance period. Okay, here goes:
For extended database maintenance: Aerie Peak, Altar of Storms, Anvilmar, Blackwing Lair, Deathwing, Demon Soul, Doomhammer, Gnomeregan, Icecrown, Jaedenar, Kel’Thuzad, Lethon, Onyxia, Sentinels, Tanaris, The Venture Co, Uldaman, Undermine
The extended database maintenance is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 14 at 5:00 AM PST to November 15 at 5:00 PM PST. Meanwhile, the following are the lucky realms who won’t be affected by the scheduled maintenance:
Excluded realms: Aegwynn, Agamaggan, Akama, Alexstrasza, Alleria, Aman’Thul, Azshara, Balnazzar, Barthilas, Blackhand, Blackrock, Cho’gall, Chromaggus, Dark Iron, Dath’Remar, Destromath, Dethecus, Detheroc, Draka, Drak’thul, Eitrigg, Emerald, Dream, Frostmourne, Frostwolf, Garithos, Garona, Gorgonnash, Greymane, Gul’dan, Hakkar, Hellscream, Illidan, Jubei’Thos, Kael’thas, Kalecgos, Khaz Modan, Khaz’goroth, Kil’Jaeden, Kilrogg, Kirin Tor, Korgath, Kul Tiras, Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Malfurion, Malorne, Moonrunner, Mug’thol, Muradin, Ner’zhul, Proudmoore, Rexxar, Runetotem, Sargeras, Sen’Jin, Silver Hand, Spinebreaker, Staghelm, Stormreaver, Thorium Brotherhood, Tichondrius, Twisting Nether, Ursin, Vek’nilash, Whisperwind, WildHammer
All other realms not listed will undergo their normal maintenance on Tuesday, November 14 from 5:00 a.m. PST until approximately 11:00 a.m. PST. So for the lucky fellas who are playing in the excluded realms, yes, you’ll get to continue playing WoW and will most probably postpone personal interaction with fellow humans. Hahaha. We’ll keep you posted for more developments. For the meantime, check out the latest WoW mods we have why don’t cha?
Via WorldofWarcraft