Wrath of the Lich King rumored to be out November 2008

Wrath of the Lich King rumored to be out November 2008 - Image 1 Certain people on the World of Warcraft forums have reported that various video game shops have placed a November 2008 release date for the much-awaited Wrath of the Lich King. Is this an outright admission of when the expansion will be released?

Blizzard Community Manager Nethaera has given word that this is not an official date yet. They will be announcing its release on their official website when one has been established. To explain why the retailers have already put up this date though, she gave the following reply:

Retailers have to put some sort of a release date in order to list a game for sale and accept pre-sales for those games. When they do put down a date, it’s generally an educated guess.

Given that information on the release date has been sparse as of late, this is perhaps the closest we’ve gotten to when this expansion will be out. If the reported information prove accurate, we’ve got a little over a year to prepare our characters and horde gold. That sounds like more than enough time.

Via WoW Forums

Wrath of the Lich King rumored to be out November 2008 - Image 1 Certain people on the World of Warcraft forums have reported that various video game shops have placed a November 2008 release date for the much-awaited Wrath of the Lich King. Is this an outright admission of when the expansion will be released?

Blizzard Community Manager Nethaera has given word that this is not an official date yet. They will be announcing its release on their official website when one has been established. To explain why the retailers have already put up this date though, she gave the following reply:

Retailers have to put some sort of a release date in order to list a game for sale and accept pre-sales for those games. When they do put down a date, it’s generally an educated guess.

Given that information on the release date has been sparse as of late, this is perhaps the closest we’ve gotten to when this expansion will be out. If the reported information prove accurate, we’ve got a little over a year to prepare our characters and horde gold. That sounds like more than enough time.

Via WoW Forums

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