Xbox 360 Guitar Hero II downloads pass 650,000

Guitar Hero III Xbox 360 boxart - Image 1It was recently announced that the downloadable song packs for the Xbox 360 version of RedOctane and Activision‘s Guitar Hero II has already hit multi-platinum status. This essentially means it sold 650,000 through the Xbox Live Marketplace in less than five months.

It has also been reported that individual songs for download have already passed the two million mark and that the Guitar Hero games have sold over 5.5 million units. RedOctane’s head of publishing Dusty Welsh spoke about this milestone and how they were able to reach it:

Activision was the first third-party publisher to offer downloadable content via Xbox LIVE to consumers and as a result, we have tremendous insight into the types of content that consumers want.

The Guitar Hero II downloadable video game song packs are some of the most popular content on Xbox LIVE and are quickly becoming a very lucrative revenue stream and powerful promotional vehicle for musicians and record labels today.

With the popularity of both Guitar Hero I and II, can we expect lightning to strike thrice with the upcoming Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock(Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PS3)? We’ll have to see when it comes out this October 29.

Guitar Hero III Xbox 360 boxart - Image 1It was recently announced that the downloadable song packs for the Xbox 360 version of RedOctane and Activision‘s Guitar Hero II has already hit multi-platinum status. This essentially means it sold 650,000 through the Xbox Live Marketplace in less than five months.

It has also been reported that individual songs for download have already passed the two million mark and that the Guitar Hero games have sold over 5.5 million units. RedOctane’s head of publishing Dusty Welsh spoke about this milestone and how they were able to reach it:

Activision was the first third-party publisher to offer downloadable content via Xbox LIVE to consumers and as a result, we have tremendous insight into the types of content that consumers want.

The Guitar Hero II downloadable video game song packs are some of the most popular content on Xbox LIVE and are quickly becoming a very lucrative revenue stream and powerful promotional vehicle for musicians and record labels today.

With the popularity of both Guitar Hero I and II, can we expect lightning to strike thrice with the upcoming Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock(Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, PS3)? We’ll have to see when it comes out this October 29.

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