Xbox 360 Wireless headset for $29…

Logitech headsetAlways one for a good deal when it comes to worthwhile discounted technology, we’ve spotted this beauty which many of you gamers may be interested in. Available up and until the 19th of June, have listed the Logitech Cordless Headset for the Xbox 360 for $28.99, with the use of this mail in rebate. The rebate, worth $10, beats all prices for this headset currently available on the net. What makes this even better though is that shipping is free on the package. The headset, which has obtained fair reviews off many is definitely a steal at $28.99. To buy, simply print off the above rebate, and purchase the unit here.


Logitech headsetAlways one for a good deal when it comes to worthwhile discounted technology, we’ve spotted this beauty which many of you gamers may be interested in. Available up and until the 19th of June, have listed the Logitech Cordless Headset for the Xbox 360 for $28.99, with the use of this mail in rebate. The rebate, worth $10, beats all prices for this headset currently available on the net. What makes this even better though is that shipping is free on the package. The headset, which has obtained fair reviews off many is definitely a steal at $28.99. To buy, simply print off the above rebate, and purchase the unit here.


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