Xbox director: Sony has a history of under-delivering on promises
Aaron Greenberg of the Xbox 360 team lampooned Sony earlier this month, saying how slow they are in delivering their products. He isn’t through yet though. In the latest Major Nelson podcast, he states that Sony has “a history of over-promising and under-delivering.” Ouch. More in the full article.
Aaron Greenberg, the director of product management for the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, rocked the boat earlier this month when he lampooned Sony’s line-up for 2008. In case you missed it, Greenberg basically stated that Sony is slow to deliver.
Greenberg isn’t through yet though. He had more to say on the matter in a recent Major Nelson podcast (the same one where he talked about what’s in store for Xbox Live Arcade).
I was basically expressing my frustration at a lot of specific things that they had promised over time. I think Sony has had a history of over-promising and under-delivering.
[I was] just using actual facts of all the things that they had promised. […] I think as an industry, we owe it to our customers to be straight with them. I think that some of the stuff weÂ’ve talked about, while the reaction may not always be positive, weÂ’re going to tell youÂ…
People just want you to be straight with them. We know titles slip, we know things happen, and thereÂ’s little we can do to control that, but if we promise something – I think as an industry – we need to start living up to our promises. As an organisation, i think Xbox has a pretty good track record of doing that.
Sony is no stranger to harsh words from Microsoft, if you remember Peter Dille’s remarks on the PlayStation 3 last year. If they managed to maintain their silence on Dille’s remarks, it won’t be surprising if they don’t respond to Greenberg either. We’ll wait and see. For now, you can listen to more of what Greenberg has to say by following the link below.
Via Major Nelson