XBox Live Arcade not fazed by Wiiware, PlayStation Network

XBLA joystixk - Image 1With the advent of WiiWare next year, it’s understandable if its rivals-to-be (Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network) are feeling threatened once it’s released. However, it looks like Xbox Live is keeping a cool head on its shoulders even in the face of WiiWare’s imminent launch, according to XBLA’s portfolio planner David Edery in an interview with Develop Mag.

PlayStation Network’s hefty 5GB download limit may also be used as a card against XBLA as well. But in spite of WiiWare’s and PSN’s pros, Edery is very confident that they will remain competitive in the downloadable content market.

“We arenÂ’t seeing any reduction whatsoever in developer interest in XBLA, so weÂ’re pretty happy with the current state of things,” said Edery, adding that their online gaming service the ideal place to experiment with new types of games. Edery explained that games don’t need to be as large as 5GB to be playable, and games with large file sizes would hinder the pick-up-and-play gaming experience.

He also pointed out that XBLA has an advantage over WiiWare since Nintendo is still working on their download gaming service, while Microsoft already had a headstart.

Edery mentioned that neither Sony nor Nintendo have their own counterparts to XBA Game Studio and Creator’s Club, thus giving XBLA an edge over the other two downloadable content platforms.

Check out the entire interview in the Read link!

XBLA joystixk - Image 1With the advent of WiiWare next year, it’s understandable if its rivals-to-be (Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network) are feeling threatened once it’s released. However, it looks like Xbox Live is keeping a cool head on its shoulders even in the face of WiiWare’s imminent launch, according to XBLA’s portfolio planner David Edery in an interview with Develop Mag.

PlayStation Network’s hefty 5GB download limit may also be used as a card against XBLA as well. But in spite of WiiWare’s and PSN’s pros, Edery is very confident that they will remain competitive in the downloadable content market.

“We arenÂ’t seeing any reduction whatsoever in developer interest in XBLA, so weÂ’re pretty happy with the current state of things,” said Edery, adding that their online gaming service the ideal place to experiment with new types of games. Edery explained that games don’t need to be as large as 5GB to be playable, and games with large file sizes would hinder the pick-up-and-play gaming experience.

He also pointed out that XBLA has an advantage over WiiWare since Nintendo is still working on their download gaming service, while Microsoft already had a headstart.

Edery mentioned that neither Sony nor Nintendo have their own counterparts to XBA Game Studio and Creator’s Club, thus giving XBLA an edge over the other two downloadable content platforms.

Check out the entire interview in the Read link!

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