Xbox Live Marketplace update: Halo 3 heavy weapons DLC

Xbox Live Marketplace update for January 28 - Image 1Xbox Live Marketplace has some new downloadable content up, featuring new Basic Combat Training Videos from the cooperative project between Microsoft and the US Army. If you remember, they teamed up to present the first Halo 3 Championship tournament this April. Details on the update in the full article.

Xbox Live Marketplace update for January 28 - Image 1 

Microsoft and the US Army teamed up earlier this month to host the first Halo 3 championship tournament. In the latest update to Xbox Live, they’ve released their second batch of Basic Combat Training: Heavy Weapons.

Also in this update is a new Heavy Weapons Theme and Gamer Picture Pack. All downloadable content in this update are free. The third batch of Basic Combat Training is expected to arrive next month. Here are the details for Xbox Live’s update for January 28:


  • U.S. Army Heavy Weapons Theme – Get the exclusive new Heavy Weapons Theme and Gamer Pictures to show the Halo 3 community you’ve entered this phase of Basic Combat Training.


  • Halo 3 Heavy Weapons: Support Weapons (HD, Rated M) – Any elite player knows the importance of heavy weapons in a game. Check out tips about how to best use Halo 3‘s support weaponry.
  • Halo 3 Heavy Weapons: Shoulder-Mounted Weapons (HD, Rated M) – Any elite player knows the importance of heavy weapons in a game. Check out tips about how to best use Halo 3’s shoulder-mounted weaponry.

Gamer Picture

  • U.S. Army Heavy Weapons Registration Picture – Enter the Heavy Weapons Play & Win Sweepstakes, which ends February 15th 2008
  • Content: U.S. Army Heavy Weapons Picture Pack – Get the exclusive new Heavy Weapons Theme and Gamer Pictures to show the Halo 3 community you’ve entered this phase of Basic Combat Training.

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