Zelda nostalgia: a retro vid of Link’s beginnings

So, Twilight Princess is almost upon us, and a lot of people are really looking forward to seeing their favorite boy in green “all growed up.” A lot of the hardcore would note though that there was this one particular Zelda side-scroller where Link can get invited by a buxom young lady into her house so that she can restore his life, so if that isn’t “growed up” for you, I don’t know what is… Umn. Sorry about that, let me take my mind out of the gutter.

Anyway, the YouTube video (of a GameTrailers video) above, posted on YouTube by user LaLiLuLeLoSnake gives us a nice nostalgic look at the boy in green’s gaming history. It gives us as a nice show of the things that’s been constant in the many Zelda games: Fun game-play, weird bouncing knights, cuteness, and a tendency to have Link lift items above his head. It’s nice to note though, that Link never really had just one color of hair. I guess the developers couldn’t really make their mind up about that particular detail.

Check the video out. If you were a kid during the Famicom years, this vid will definitely make you feel young again.

Via GameTrailers

So, Twilight Princess is almost upon us, and a lot of people are really looking forward to seeing their favorite boy in green “all growed up.” A lot of the hardcore would note though that there was this one particular Zelda side-scroller where Link can get invited by a buxom young lady into her house so that she can restore his life, so if that isn’t “growed up” for you, I don’t know what is… Umn. Sorry about that, let me take my mind out of the gutter.

Anyway, the YouTube video (of a GameTrailers video) above, posted on YouTube by user LaLiLuLeLoSnake gives us a nice nostalgic look at the boy in green’s gaming history. It gives us as a nice show of the things that’s been constant in the many Zelda games: Fun game-play, weird bouncing knights, cuteness, and a tendency to have Link lift items above his head. It’s nice to note though, that Link never really had just one color of hair. I guess the developers couldn’t really make their mind up about that particular detail.

Check the video out. If you were a kid during the Famicom years, this vid will definitely make you feel young again.

Via GameTrailers

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