FrequenDS Developer Needs Help

Calling Sander Stolk! Calling Sander Stolk! Your expertise are needed.

FrequenDSIf you remember, Stolk (aka Dark Knight ez) released AmplituDS, a homebrew based from PS2‘s Amplitude. Basically, the original version is an arcade-style rhythm game that features music as a gameplay element. Stolk was successful in porting it to the DS. His achievement then came to the attention of fellow homebrew developer Nuudles, who wants a DS port of Frequency.

However, Nuudles reports he’s having several problems. The point and power-up system are not running yet. Also, there’s no spiffy track translucency for cleared tracks as the Alpha system STILL has bugs. The whole thing gets out of sync soon and problems when loading large IT files were encountered as well. Humbly, the developer calls this release 0.00001alpha.

On the brighter side of things, the developer wishes to announce that the WAM and MOD files are working fine. The included WAM file is actually an SDL port of Amplitude. The potentiallygreat homebrew FrequenDS uses the latest version of Chishm’s FAT library, so it should support any of the supported cards.

If anyone wants to help in the development of FrequenDS, we uploaded the file for you. Also, feel free to comment and suggest here or at the developer’s home site.

Download: [FrequendDS v0.00001alpha]

Via Nuudles

Calling Sander Stolk! Calling Sander Stolk! Your expertise are needed.

FrequenDSIf you remember, Stolk (aka Dark Knight ez) released AmplituDS, a homebrew based from PS2‘s Amplitude. Basically, the original version is an arcade-style rhythm game that features music as a gameplay element. Stolk was successful in porting it to the DS. His achievement then came to the attention of fellow homebrew developer Nuudles, who wants a DS port of Frequency.

However, Nuudles reports he’s having several problems. The point and power-up system are not running yet. Also, there’s no spiffy track translucency for cleared tracks as the Alpha system STILL has bugs. The whole thing gets out of sync soon and problems when loading large IT files were encountered as well. Humbly, the developer calls this release 0.00001alpha.

On the brighter side of things, the developer wishes to announce that the WAM and MOD files are working fine. The included WAM file is actually an SDL port of Amplitude. The potentiallygreat homebrew FrequenDS uses the latest version of Chishm’s FAT library, so it should support any of the supported cards.

If anyone wants to help in the development of FrequenDS, we uploaded the file for you. Also, feel free to comment and suggest here or at the developer’s home site.

Download: [FrequendDS v0.00001alpha]

Via Nuudles

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