Keep cool: StarCraft II burns graphic cards

starcraft-2-thumbUh-oh. Seems like this one’s not gonna be fixable by patch. Blizzard’s StarCraft II has been causing some problems to gamers, but this one might just take the cake so far. Word has it that running the game actually melts graphic cards. We know this game is hot, but this is just ridiculous.




Uh-oh. Seems like this one’s not gonna be fixable by patch. Blizzard’s StarCraft II has been causing some problems to gamers, but this one might just take the cake so far. Word has it that running the game actually melts graphic cards. We know this game is hot, but this is just ridiculous.









Said Blizzard, “Screens that are light on detail may make your system overheat if cooling is overall insufficient. This is because the game has nothing to do so it is primarily just working on drawing the screen very quickly.”







There is an available workaround for you though, don’t worry. “A temporary workaround is to go to your Documents\StarCraft II\variables.txt file and add these lines: frameratecapglue=30 frameratecap=60. You may replace these numbers if you want to.”






That’s why they have set system requirements. Now all you gotta make sure is that your units are cool enough to handle StarCraft II.








Via [DailyTech]



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