Some facts about Capcom’s second mystery game

Capcom - Image 1A series of Tweets from the Capcom Twitter account has shed some more light on the second mystery title that the company will be unveiling at E3. Actually, it’s the only mystery title left as the other one has already been revealed. Hit the full article for the facts.

A series of Tweets from the Capcom Twitter account has shed some more light on the second mystery title that the company will be unveiling at E3. Actually, it’s the only mystery title left as the other one has already been revealed.

OK, here are the facts:

  • Capcom fact # 1: It’s NOT Devil May Cry 5
  • Capcom fact # 2: It’s an action game
  • Capcom fact # 3: It’s from an established Capcom franchise
  • Capcom fact # 4: It’s not a remake
  • Capcom fact # 5: It’s being developed by Capcom Japan

OK, those are the facts. Now it’s time for some wild speculation. Personally, I have just one guess: a new Onimusha.

Onimusha - Image 1

Please, Capcom?

It makes some sense, really. In my head, at least. We haven’t had one this gen yet, plus shooting for the movie just wrapped up a couple of months ago — well on track for its projected December 2009 release. The movie’s a good and profitable way to build up hype, I think. If — and this is a pretty big if — Capcom Japan’s already been working on the game for a while, we may be seeing it by the end of the year or in early 2010.

Then again, a DMC-style Strider is an equally good bet. What do you guys think?

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Via Capcom Unity Twitter

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