Tekken 6: Exclusive Christie Monteiro trailer

Christie Monteiro - Image 1Here’s the other half of this week’s Gametrailers’ Tekken 6 (PlayStation 3,Xbox 360, and PSP) head-to-head – the hot, Brazilian Capoeira head-turner, Christie Monteiro. I rather hate the fact that she’s quite the noob-magnet (she and Hwoarang are the biggest noob-magnets from where I’m standing) – new and casual Tekken players have no idea how much power she packs beyond the button mash. Case in point: her moves in this trailer.

Here’s the other half of this week’s Gametrailers’ Tekken 6 (PlayStation 3,Xbox 360, and PSP)head-to-head – the hot, Brazilian Capoeira head-turner, Christie Monteiro. I rather hate the fact that she’s quite the noob-magnet (she and Hwoarang are the biggest noob-magnets from where I’m standing) – new and casual Tekken players have no idea how much power she packs beyond the button mash. Case in point: her moves in this trailer.

Between Christie, Anna, and the Gametrailers poll, it’s a tough vote for me. Both of them have moves I still have trouble guarding against. But when it comes right down to it, I’m going for Christie on this one, for being hotter and for having combos unlike any other Tekken fighter.

Previous Tekken 6 character vid:

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