2 Days to Vegas confirmed for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
It’s been a while since it’s initial announcement, but the highly anticipated sandbox game, 2 Days to Vegas, has been officially confirmed for the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, and the PC. More details on the game in the full article!
2 Days to Vegas, the new sandbox game from Steel Monkey Ltd, made waves early last year when the studio claimed that it will be more immersive than Grand Theft Auto 4.
Whether or not this comes true, they at least trump GTA 4 in one respect as it will appear in one platform more than GTA 4 did: it’s finally been officially revealed that 2 Days to Vegas will be released for the PC as well as the two platforms GTA 4 will appear in, the PS3 and Xbox 360.
To refresh your memory, 2 Days to Vegas follows the story of Vinny, who has to travel from New York to Las Vegas in (guess what) two days. Vinny will be hopping from city to city as he makes his way to sin city. No city has been confirmed yet though (aside from New York and Las Vegas, that is.)
The developers are striving for realism in this game, claiming that every city will be modeled after the real deal. They’ll even be traveling to Las Vegas every few months to see which buildings are still standing and if new ones have been built that so once the game comes out, their digital city will be as close to the real thing as possible.