38 Studios premiering ‘Project Mercury’ at SDCC 2010

sdcc-thumbLater this month, 38 Studios will finally show their secret RPG project to the world. The game codenamed “Project Mercury”, is set for a world premiere during the San Diego Comic Con.


38studiosLater this month, 38 Studios will finally show their secret RPG project to the world. The game codenamed “Project Mercury”, is set for a world premiere during the San Diego Comic Con.


38 Studios’ panel discussion, which will take place on July 22, will reportedly reveal the actual game title and will also have the premiere of the game’s first trailer.


Attending the panel will be studio founder and former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, art director Todd McFarlane, author R.A. Salvatore, and designer Ken Rolston.




Via [Big Download]

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