Ninja Theory: Uncharted 2 is the pinnacle of its genre

enslavedAs an action-adventure game, Ninja Theory’s Enslaved: Odyssey to the West has drawn a few comparisons to Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Says studio boss Tameem Antoniades, it’s a bit disconcerting since Uncharted 2 is the “pinnacle” of the genre.






As an action-adventure game, Ninja Theory’s Enslaved: Odyssey to the West has drawn a few comparisons to Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Says studio boss Tameem Antoniades, it’s a bit disconcerting since Uncharted 2 is the “pinnacle” of the genre.



“It’s never good to be compared with something that’s already the pinnacle of its genre,” blurted Antoniades at Develop last week. “It makes you slightly uneasy.”
“I’m okay with people comparing it to Uncharted [2] because it’s in the same genre. But, bloody hell, that’s a lot to live up to.”

“It’s never good to be compared with something that’s already the pinnacle of its genre,” said Antoniades at Develop last week. “It makes you slightly uneasy. I’m okay with people comparing it to Uncharted [2] because it’s in the same genre. But, bloody hell, that’s a lot to live up to.”


Despite the praise, Antoniades believes that current games still have a ways to go before they match the storytelling in films. For Enslaved, Ninja Theory has spared no expense, bringing novelist and screenwriter Alex Garland and actor/mo-cap director Andy Serkis on board.



“When we’re doing Enslaved and the story and the character and everything we’re not looking at other games, we’re looking at movies and achieving that level of cinematic performance,” Antoniades said. “We’ve got a good shot at delivering a strong story where the talent behind it actually matters.”



Enslaved: Odyssey to the West comes out this October on PS3 and Xbox 360.




Via [Eurogamer]


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