Post-holiday blues: number of Wii-related injuries rising
Wii-related injuries have always been one of the dangers of buying Nintendo’s next-gen console. However, with the holidays bringing in more sales for the console, an increased number of cases were noted most of them incurred while playing the very physical Wii Sports game title.
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With the Wii’s very successful sales this past Christmas, many people who bought one were diagnosed to have an acute case of “Nintendo Wii syndrome” – the term they dubbed the numerous Wii-related injuries inflicted on them while playing on the console.
Martin Davies, who runs five osteopathic clinics in Cheshire, noted an increased number of Wii-associated injuries after the holidays. He mentions that the patients were mostly middle-aged parents who had been playing on the console they bought for their kids.
Then again, playing up to 10 hours of the very physical Wii Sports games is bound to cramp up some muscles. Davies says the tennis and boxing games were the biggest causes of injuries and cautioned patients to limit their playing time according to the guidelines posted by the game’s manufacturers.
On the other hand, this probably means that a lot of people are getting more than the required amount of exercise that they’re looking for in any given week.