More Aliens vs. Predator details, screenshots, video

Aliens vs Predator - Image 1Sega has let loose official details regarding Rebellion Developments‘ upcoming Aliens vs. Predator game. You can check out story details for the Marine, Xenomorph, and Predator in the full article. We have screenshots and a video too.

Sega has let loose official details regarding Rebellion Developments‘ upcoming Aliens vs. Predator game. We already heard before that the game will follow in its predecessors’ footsteps by letting players choose to play as a Marine, a Xenomorph, or a Predator, so here’s an overview of what each’s story will be like:

  • The MarineÂ’s story is an incredible fight against the odds, and the horrors lurking in the dark. Beset on all sides yet armed to the teeth, the Colonial Marine represents humanityÂ’s last stand with the firepower to fight back.
  • As the Alien, players will discover what itÂ’s like to be the most murderous and lethal creature in the universe, with the ability to traverse any surface with awesome agility in order to get close enough to unleash its deadly teeth and claws.
  • A master of the hunt, the Predator grants the player a suite of exotic weaponry and equipment with which to stalk its unknowing prey. Earn the greatest honour by ambushing prey up-close and butchering them for a gory trophy kill.

And here are some assets:

Aliens vs Predator - Image 1Aliens vs Predator - Image 2Aliens vs Predator - Image 3

Aliens vs Predator
is slated for release in early 2010 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Hopefully Sega can settle on an official title soon, too, since “Aliens vs Predator” is just a working title.

The press release also mentions that the new game will be first in a series of Aliens games from Sega. Hey, maybe Aliens: Colonial Marines and the Aliens RPG really are just postponed.

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