A huge helping of Lion War screenshots
Square Enix has been churning out port after port of the Final Fantasy series lately, and while that’s not necessary always a good thing, it sure ain’t all bad, either. Case in point: Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War for the PSP.
While it may just be an enhanced port of the original Final Fantasy Tactics (which, despite popular belief, was NOT the first tactics-style game ever), this title has generated some huge buzz among old fans and new players alike. For a taste of what all the fuss is about, check out these forty-odd (41, to be exact) new screenshots.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War is slated for a May 10 release in Japan.
More (and we do mean MORE) screenshots after the jump!
Square Enix has been churning out port after port of the Final Fantasy series lately, and while that’s not necessary always a good thing, it sure ain’t all bad, either. Case in point: Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War for the PSP.
While it may just be an enhanced port of the original Final Fantasy Tactics (which, despite popular belief, was NOT the first tactics-style game ever), this title has generated some huge buzz among old fans and new players alike. For a taste of what all the fuss is about, check out these forty-odd (41, to be exact) new screenshots.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War is slated for a May 10 release in Japan.
Via The Magic Box