An invitation to a party to mark the release of Renegade Squadron

Han Solo Carbonite case - Image 1Sony‘s throwing a party and everyone’s invited! To mark the release of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, a party’s going to be thrown at the Metreon in San Francisco. The party will be held next Tuesday on October 9 and will start at 6 p.m. and will be hosting contests and multiplayer matches.

Renegade Squadron will be released on the same day of course, and will be available with the white PSP with the Darth Vader silkscreen for US$ 199. The first 200 to buy the bundle will be getting a special geek bonus: a Han Solo in Carbonite PSP case. Darth Vader himself will be there so bring your light sabers.

If you don’t have a light saber, here’s your chance to win one: dress up in a Star Wars costume and you’ll get a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Darth Vader Episode III Lightsaber. If you win one you could use it to command the bounty hunters and the infantry from the 501st Squadron who will also be making an appearance. Well, no, you can’t command them but you can poke them with it while exhaling loudly.

Via PlayStation Blog

Han Solo Carbonite case - Image 1Sony‘s throwing a party and everyone’s invited! To mark the release of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, a party’s going to be thrown at the Metreon in San Francisco. The party will be held next Tuesday on October 9 and will start at 6 p.m. and will be hosting contests and multiplayer matches.

Renegade Squadron will be released on the same day of course, and will be available with the white PSP with the Darth Vader silkscreen for US$ 199. The first 200 to buy the bundle will be getting a special geek bonus: a Han Solo in Carbonite PSP case. Darth Vader himself will be there so bring your light sabers.

If you don’t have a light saber, here’s your chance to win one: dress up in a Star Wars costume and you’ll get a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Darth Vader Episode III Lightsaber. If you win one you could use it to command the bounty hunters and the infantry from the 501st Squadron who will also be making an appearance. Well, no, you can’t command them but you can poke them with it while exhaling loudly.

Via PlayStation Blog

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