AnyTitle Deleter mod v.1.0 from Red Squirrel

Homebrew - AnyTitle Deleter MOD v.1.0 - Image 1This is Red Squirrel‘s second release on the Wii, though it’s his first after officially saying goodbye to the PSP scene. AnyTitle Deleter is a program that will let you delete almost any title on the Wii, and is a mod of the original release from tona. Details after the link.

Download: AnyTitle Deleter MOD v1.0

Homebrew - AnyTitle Deleter MOD v.1.0 - Image 1This is Red Squirrel‘s second release on the Wii, though it’s his first after officially saying goodbye to the PSP scene.

AnyTitle Deleter is a program that will let you delete almost any title on the Wii, and is a mod of the original release from tona (though the concept has been used in other Wiibrew apps as well).

Red Squirrel’s mod improves on the program in only one respect: allowing the program to show the real names of titles instead of just ID numbers, making it easier to select which ones you actually want to delete.

It doesn’t contain every title out there though, since it only draws from an internal database with a compiled list of sources. But it has over 500 titles there, so chances are, the title you want to delete is in there. To install it, just put it in your SD card and run it using the Homebrew Channel or the Twilight Hack.

Download: AnyTitle Deleter MOD v1.0

Via PSP-cheats

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