Auction Houses in Shattrath?

Shattrath City - Image 1 

Remember the time when Blizzard poster Drysc responded to WoW Forums user Nychte – the guy who noted that “Blizzard needs to put an AH in Shatt” so that the higher level folks don’t get bombarded by beggars. Remember Drysc’s explanation? No? Well here’s a refresher:

As others have said we want to keep Azeroth inhabited post-60 and by leaving the Auction Houses and class trainers we can keep an entire game where everyone is interacting at some point instead of a large chunk of players just moving from new land to new land… Performance concerns are also obviously factored in as well… If you’d like to avoid being bothered you can use /dnd

As always, the community was quick to “respond” to Drysc’s explanation. Pixelpirate notes: “Yes because we should be forced back into Azeroth since it’s LOADED with post 60 content. Good plan.” Poshnak has a more satirical response; he writes: “Dev 1: Wanna make trade and character management more of a nuisance as you lvl? Dev 2: Ok.” It’s been a few weeks now but the thread has still been growing. Sentiment is that instead of adding level 70 content to Azeroth, Blizzard opts to “manipulate” the population of level 60 plus folk to return to Azeroth via the Auction Houses.

Of course, some folk decide to adopt the birds eye view of the situation, and note that Blizzard is probably doing this to manage lag problems. One of the latest posts on the thread notes:

The last thing Shattrath needs is more lag and more framerate issues for people who don’t have great computers. “zomg get a good computer or quit” will usually end in quit, and that’s not a thing that Blizzard wants.

Of course, opt to take an even broader view of things and say:

This is the same song and dance we’ve heard in the past regarding AH in major cities. Remember when they were just in one city? Remember how Blizzard said there were “no plans” to add them to all cities? Then, as the months slowly rolled by, they softened their stance and eventually AHs were popping up all over the place… By the end of next winter, there’ll be AH in Outland.

As it stands, Blizzard seems adamant about not having an Auction House in Shattrath, will they change their stance in time? What do you guys think?

Shattrath City - Image 1 

Remember the time when Blizzard poster Drysc responded to WoW Forums user Nychte – the guy who noted that “Blizzard needs to put an AH in Shatt” so that the higher level folks don’t get bombarded by beggars. Remember Drysc’s explanation? No? Well here’s a refresher:

As others have said we want to keep Azeroth inhabited post-60 and by leaving the Auction Houses and class trainers we can keep an entire game where everyone is interacting at some point instead of a large chunk of players just moving from new land to new land… Performance concerns are also obviously factored in as well… If you’d like to avoid being bothered you can use /dnd

As always, the community was quick to “respond” to Drysc’s explanation. Pixelpirate notes: “Yes because we should be forced back into Azeroth since it’s LOADED with post 60 content. Good plan.” Poshnak has a more satirical response; he writes: “Dev 1: Wanna make trade and character management more of a nuisance as you lvl? Dev 2: Ok.” It’s been a few weeks now but the thread has still been growing. Sentiment is that instead of adding level 70 content to Azeroth, Blizzard opts to “manipulate” the population of level 60 plus folk to return to Azeroth via the Auction Houses.

Of course, some folk decide to adopt the birds eye view of the situation, and note that Blizzard is probably doing this to manage lag problems. One of the latest posts on the thread notes:

The last thing Shattrath needs is more lag and more framerate issues for people who don’t have great computers. “zomg get a good computer or quit” will usually end in quit, and that’s not a thing that Blizzard wants.

Of course, opt to take an even broader view of things and say:

This is the same song and dance we’ve heard in the past regarding AH in major cities. Remember when they were just in one city? Remember how Blizzard said there were “no plans” to add them to all cities? Then, as the months slowly rolled by, they softened their stance and eventually AHs were popping up all over the place… By the end of next winter, there’ll be AH in Outland.

As it stands, Blizzard seems adamant about not having an Auction House in Shattrath, will they change their stance in time? What do you guys think?

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