Australia to get toned down Dark Sector, based on Japanese version

Australia to get toned down Dark Sector, based on Japanese version - Image 1Fans of Digital ExtremesDark Sector in Australia won’t be seeing limbs fly or bodies cut in half when playing the game. It seems that the a toned down version, based on the Japanese build, will be released instead.Find out why after the jump!

Australia to get toned down Dark Sector, based on Japanese version - Image 1Digital ExtremesDark Sector (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) has just been released this past week for all you guys to enjoy. With the game comes the ability to tear your enemies from limb to limb. But sadly, people in Australia won’t be able to do the same thing.

The reason behind this is that the game refused to be classified in the country due to its violent content. Well, in order to resolve this issue, AFA Interactive, the local distributor of the game will be sending out a new version of the game instead. It’s technically based on the Japanese build.

They said that this specific version will be featuring “no decapitation and has toned down the limb severing on humans (only).” With this readjustment, they believe that the game will then be able to meet the standards for an MA15+ rating from the Office of Film and Literature Classification.

Well, things are not that bad at all. You still get to send fiends to kingdom come. It’s just that you guys will be experiencing a different version. That’s all. We’ll keep you guys posted for more news and updates on this game.

Buy: [Dark Sector for PS3]

Buy: [Dark Sector for Xbox 360]

Via Kotaku

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