Aye, it’s fun being a dwarf in LOTRO

Dwarves don't run. But they can boogie!This is quite a sight: Turbine Inc’s latest Beta journal for Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar features two dwarves making a “wild-dash attempt to reach Rivendell”. Dwarves making a wild dash. Wanna know the first thing that comes to mind? “Come, Gimli!”

The dash began because the two Dwarves in question, being played by husband and wife (how sweet!), stumbled upon some several high-powered creeps on their path. Thankfully, dwarves are tough, says the journal writer (the husband), although the creeps they were facing were easily twice their level, if not more.

One thing dwarves are not known for is stealth – not with the chainmail they were wearing. Hence, the decision to run for daylight through all those supercreeps. You know what Gimli told Legolas and Aragorn, right? “I’m wasted on cross-country! We Dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances.”

Not dangerous enough, the husband’s character (a Lv. 16 Guardian) literally had to tank off the creeps so that his wife, a Lv. 12 Champion, could make it to a safe haven (aww, how sweet!). In the end, however, they both safely made it to safe haven, recovered from their injuries, and continued their successful run to Rivendell, the creeps snapping at their heels the entire way.

Moral of the story: the family that tanks together stays together, especially if you’re dwarves. The other moral of the story: no more solo (or small-group) cross-country trips through supercreep territory. Especially if you’re dwarves.

Dwarves don't run. But they can boogie!This is quite a sight: Turbine Inc’s latest Beta journal for Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar features two dwarves making a “wild-dash attempt to reach Rivendell”. Dwarves making a wild dash. Wanna know the first thing that comes to mind? “Come, Gimli!”

The dash began because the two Dwarves in question, being played by husband and wife (how sweet!), stumbled upon some several high-powered creeps on their path. Thankfully, dwarves are tough, says the journal writer (the husband), although the creeps they were facing were easily twice their level, if not more.

One thing dwarves are not known for is stealth – not with the chainmail they were wearing. Hence, the decision to run for daylight through all those supercreeps. You know what Gimli told Legolas and Aragorn, right? “I’m wasted on cross-country! We Dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances.”

Not dangerous enough, the husband’s character (a Lv. 16 Guardian) literally had to tank off the creeps so that his wife, a Lv. 12 Champion, could make it to a safe haven (aww, how sweet!). In the end, however, they both safely made it to safe haven, recovered from their injuries, and continued their successful run to Rivendell, the creeps snapping at their heels the entire way.

Moral of the story: the family that tanks together stays together, especially if you’re dwarves. The other moral of the story: no more solo (or small-group) cross-country trips through supercreep territory. Especially if you’re dwarves.

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