Battlegrounds summoning barred by hotfix

Alterac valley - Image 1

Pyx of Azgalor asked whether the “ability to summon in AV (Alterac Valley)” was nerfed. Bad news for you guys who have been using it as a strategic tool in Battlegrounds as it has indeed been disallowed.

Blizzard poster Drysc explained the change:

The reason for the change is that it was being used to exploit battleground mechanics, most notably flag captures. We realize that its use in Alterac Valley was useful as the battleground is much larger in size, and it was with much disappointment that we had to make the change to keep players from exploiting its use in other battlegrounds. At current the rules extend through all battlegrounds which we find also helps maintain a consistency of rules and mechanics, but we will be watching the impact of the change.

Checking the rest of the thread, we see a number of the players lamenting the change as summoning helped players to get from one end of the particularly huge map in AV to the other. Drysc added that the said change was done since some players in other battlegrounds exploited summoning (getting enemy flag, accepting summon, and insta-capturing the flag). He also indicated that “a more specific fix” can be done for the said change, but until then, the current hotfix stands.

What do you think? Should Blizzard use an alternative like “dropping the flag when accepting a summon” sort of thing?

Alterac valley - Image 1

Pyx of Azgalor asked whether the “ability to summon in AV (Alterac Valley)” was nerfed. Bad news for you guys who have been using it as a strategic tool in Battlegrounds as it has indeed been disallowed.

Blizzard poster Drysc explained the change:

The reason for the change is that it was being used to exploit battleground mechanics, most notably flag captures. We realize that its use in Alterac Valley was useful as the battleground is much larger in size, and it was with much disappointment that we had to make the change to keep players from exploiting its use in other battlegrounds. At current the rules extend through all battlegrounds which we find also helps maintain a consistency of rules and mechanics, but we will be watching the impact of the change.

Checking the rest of the thread, we see a number of the players lamenting the change as summoning helped players to get from one end of the particularly huge map in AV to the other. Drysc added that the said change was done since some players in other battlegrounds exploited summoning (getting enemy flag, accepting summon, and insta-capturing the flag). He also indicated that “a more specific fix” can be done for the said change, but until then, the current hotfix stands.

What do you think? Should Blizzard use an alternative like “dropping the flag when accepting a summon” sort of thing?

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