Be the better fighter with Genji tips
Despite of some bug problems, Genji: Days of the Blade still stands to be one of the more exciting games to be launched to the PS3. And while those from North America have been enjoying this game for almost a month now, the Japanese market still has quite a bit of waiting to do.
But nonetheless, to get them ready for the game, and to get those of you already playing the game to be more armed, we have here for you several tips that will get you surviving those lethal fighting rounds. Without breaking a sweat.
Oh, and we also have the Combat tutorial vid right here, so just feel free to download it. There’s always room to learn something new. Meanwhile, here are the tips.
Don’t forget to block: Sounds basic and simple enough, right? Well, that’s what makes things more often overlooked. Remember, this game is not “just a button masher”. Block those moves off. What happens if you don’t? You die. Basic and simple enough.
Dodging: The best time to apply this is when you’re in a crowd, or when you’re trying to avoid those nasty punches coming your way. This is said to be more effective than blocking (which is often forgotten).
Character Swapping: There are four characters in the game, with each of them having their own respective powers and advantages. So, it would be most beneficial to you if choose the character that is suited best for that particular situation. Don’t hesitate to get to know each character, as they all have something interesting to bring into the game.
Download: [Genji: Combat vid]
More tips after the jump!
Despite of some bug problems, Genji: Days of the Blade still stands to be one of the more exciting games to be launched to the PS3. And while those from North America have been enjoying this game for almost a month now, the Japanese market still has quite a bit of waiting to do.
But nonetheless, to get them ready for the game, and to get those of you already playing the game to be more armed, we have here for you several tips that will get you surviving those lethal fighting rounds. Without breaking a sweat.
Oh, and we also have the Combat tutorial vid right here, so just feel free to download it. There’s always room to learn something new. Meanwhile, here are the tips.
Don’t forget to block: Sounds basic and simple enough, right? Well, that’s what makes things more often overlooked. Remember, this game is not “just a button masher”. Block those moves off. What happens if you don’t? You die. Basic and simple enough.
Dodging: The best time to apply this is when you’re in a crowd, or when you’re trying to avoid those nasty punches coming your way. This is said to be more effective than blocking (which is often forgotten).
Character Swapping: There are four characters in the game, with each of them having their own respective powers and advantages. So, it would be most beneficial to you if choose the character that is suited best for that particular situation. Don’t hesitate to get to know each character, as they all have something interesting to bring into the game.
Weapons Level Up: The greater your abilities become, and the deeper your knowledge gets as to the strategy of the game, it then necessitates that you also upgrade your weaponry. The Mashogane you pick up after the first act can be used to upgrade your weapons. Each character can have up to five weapons, so be sure to find a favorite that will keep you company in your battles. If ever there may be any problems, feel free to swap your weapon with something more efficient.
Mashogane Farming: Hang around in those battlefields where you can go back to, like Ichinotani, and get as many kills as you can-without getting yourself killed, of course. What this Mashogane will do is to power up your weapons before you move on to those harder levels. With this, your journey’s bound to be a lot easier.
Kamui use: ALWAYS. Don’t feel guilty using up all those Kamui, because although there’s a limit to how much you can actually store, the bar normally refills itself pretty quickly. If you keep on waiting for that right time to use Kamui, and the bar is set to full, then you are definitely wasting it.
However, if you’re about to go up against the big boss or some really ugly foe, then that’s the time it would be probably wise to stack up on them. Also important to note is that the Kamui is character independent. Therefore, each of your characters (all four of them, if you want) can have full Kamui. So, if in a really bad fight, what you can do is store up or use items to cap off all four characters, then use Kamui from each in succession.
Getting Up when knocked down: Press X. With the right timing (just as you hit the ground), you will pop right back up to your feet. But if that can’t be done, just press it a few times to recover faster. You wouldn’t want those AIs getting the best of you when you’re down, most definitely.
Download: [Genji: Combat vid]