Bedlam Studios Gets into The Game

Silent Hill...There’s a new player in the game. It’s called Bedlam. Actually, not “player,” but “developer.” And they’re hitting the high notes and focus on next-generation platforms. Groove Games announced that the new studio consists of some veterans that have been involved with some of the bigger fish in the gaming industry. Some members of Bedlam have worked on games like Silent Hill, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Manhunt, and The Warriors. Some of them have even worked on movies, TV, and graphics industries. Hmmm… Seems like they’re building up a powerhouse over there at Toronto, Canada.

The new studio is “dedicated to the development of triple-A games based on original intellectual property.” As of now, they are working on their first project, an action-adventure game for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. But with regards to the specifics of the game, Zandro Chan (Director of Game Development) says that it would be a “period piece.” As for the Wii, the studio expressed a great interest in the new way that players can interact with games.

Well, while people like me are easily excitable with this sort of news, you can’t help but be a tad bit skeptic, especially since they haven’t released any info about their games yet. Hopefully soon enough, we can post some updates on this mysterious “period piece” that they’re working on so secretively…

Via GameDaily BIZ

Silent Hill...There’s a new player in the game. It’s called Bedlam. Actually, not “player,” but “developer.” And they’re hitting the high notes and focus on next-generation platforms. Groove Games announced that the new studio consists of some veterans that have been involved with some of the bigger fish in the gaming industry. Some members of Bedlam have worked on games like Silent Hill, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Manhunt, and The Warriors. Some of them have even worked on movies, TV, and graphics industries. Hmmm… Seems like they’re building up a powerhouse over there at Toronto, Canada.

The new studio is “dedicated to the development of triple-A games based on original intellectual property.” As of now, they are working on their first project, an action-adventure game for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. But with regards to the specifics of the game, Zandro Chan (Director of Game Development) says that it would be a “period piece.” As for the Wii, the studio expressed a great interest in the new way that players can interact with games.

Well, while people like me are easily excitable with this sort of news, you can’t help but be a tad bit skeptic, especially since they haven’t released any info about their games yet. Hopefully soon enough, we can post some updates on this mysterious “period piece” that they’re working on so secretively…

Via GameDaily BIZ

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