Before the light turns green: Test Drive Unlimited trailer

With the game’s release just a few winks away, Atari sure knows how to keep eager Test Drive Unlimited (PC, Xbox360) players at the edge of their seats. How? Well, they’ve just released a trailer for the PSP version which features a minute and a half of nothing but pure road action and gameplay.

You already know about the different game modes and how the wireless functions will work in the game, so at this point, we bet you’re just whiling away your time and waiting for the game to hit shelves. And what better way to do that than to sit back, chill, and see what’s in store for your PSPs via this trailer, eh?

Oh, and just in case you’ve forgotten, TDU for the PSP is set to hit the streets February 20th. Enjoy the vid!

Via GameTrailers

With the game’s release just a few winks away, Atari sure knows how to keep eager Test Drive Unlimited (PC, Xbox360) players at the edge of their seats. How? Well, they’ve just released a trailer for the PSP version which features a minute and a half of nothing but pure road action and gameplay.

You already know about the different game modes and how the wireless functions will work in the game, so at this point, we bet you’re just whiling away your time and waiting for the game to hit shelves. And what better way to do that than to sit back, chill, and see what’s in store for your PSPs via this trailer, eh?

Oh, and just in case you’ve forgotten, TDU for the PSP is set to hit the streets February 20th. Enjoy the vid!

Via GameTrailers

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