Best Buy: Lumines II for a cool 20 bucks

Lumines II box art - Image 1We’ll be quick about this: If you’re looking for a copy of Lumines II for your PSP, you might want to check out Best Buy‘s online shop, as they are now selling this PSP hit for US$ 19.99.

For the guys who have yet to own a copy of this title (or probably waited out for deals like this, you sly dog), this is your opportunity to break into Q Entertainment‘s tune-savvy puzzle game that’s also available for Xbox Live Arcade (Lumines Live).

Now, for the guys who already own a copy, consider this your girlfriend’s next birthday/anniversary gift, though we advise discretion in challenging them – it could get ugly. Make sure to check out Every Extend Extra, the other Q Entertainment title trippin’ your PSP this February.

Lumines II box art - Image 1We’ll be quick about this: If you’re looking for a copy of Lumines II for your PSP, you might want to check out Best Buy‘s online shop, as they are now selling this PSP hit for US$ 19.99.

For the guys who have yet to own a copy of this title (or probably waited out for deals like this, you sly dog), this is your opportunity to break into Q Entertainment‘s tune-savvy puzzle game that’s also available for Xbox Live Arcade (Lumines Live).

Now, for the guys who already own a copy, consider this your girlfriend’s next birthday/anniversary gift, though we advise discretion in challenging them – it could get ugly. Make sure to check out Every Extend Extra, the other Q Entertainment title trippin’ your PSP this February.

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