Best Buy’s official PS3 launch numbers

Best BuyWe’re gonna have to thank Josh Holloway for this one. We were scoping out his blog a few hours ago and found something we’re sure the Sony fans out there would kill for: Best Buy‘s official PS3 and Wii launch numbers for the Southeast region.

Being a former Best Buy employee, Mr. Holloway knew the work lingo well enough to convince somebody who had access to Best Buy’s RSS to send him a copy of these lists. First up are the PS3 20 and 60 GB models (left and center); Take note of the differences in release numbers for each. The third list on the far right is the Nintendo Wii’s numbers per store.

We’ve already mentioned in previous articles about the numbers discrepancies for each console, so we won’t go any further on that.

PS3 20 GBPS3 60 GBWii

Unfortunately, this is just for the Southeast region of the U.S. With that in mind, Mr. Holloway also enclosed a well thought-out how-to guide for those feeling up to asking Best Buy for a copy of their own regional list. To check that out, make sure you read the full article.

The full article awaits after the jump!

Best BuyWe’re gonna have to thank Josh Holloway for this one. We were scoping out his blog a few hours ago and found something we’re sure the Sony fans out there would kill for: Best Buy‘s official PS3 and Wii launch numbers for the Southeast region.

Being a former Best Buy employee, Mr. Holloway knew the work lingo well enough to convince somebody who had access to Best Buy’s RSS to send him a copy of these lists. First up are the PS3 20 and 60 GB models (left and center); Take note of the differences in release numbers for each. The third list on the far right is the Nintendo Wii’s numbers per store.

We’ve already mentioned in previous articles about the numbers discrepancies for each console, so we won’t go any further on that.

PS3 20 GBPS3 60 GBWii

Unfortunately, this is just for the Southeast region of the U.S. With that in mind, Mr. Holloway also enclosed a well thought-out how-to guide for those feeling up to asking Best Buy for a copy of their own regional list. Here’s how it goes:

Step  1:
Visit Best Buy’s official site and look up their store list. Pick out the store number of the place you’re crashing come launch day, and the number for another store at a preferably out-of-the-way location.

Step 2:
Using the number from the site, call up the store you’re planning the visit, and be sure to have the following handy:
a. Your console-of-choice’s UPS number:
       I. Wii Hardware 045496880019
       II. PS3 20GB 711719800101
       III. PS3 60GB 711719800002
b. the number of the out-of-the-way store.
c. Confidence. This is gonna take a bit of daring and conversational skills.

Step 3:
After you call, the answering system will ask for a department number. Don’t punch any in. Punch in the Customer Service extension, and wait for an answer.  From this point, Mr. Holloway stresses you have to sound confident, as if you know what you’re doing.

You should sound something like: “Yeah, this is <NAME> from <STORE NUMBER OF THE OUT-OF-THE-WAY STORE>” If all goes well, you should be directed to the said inventory department. On the off-chance they do decide to ask you why you don’t know the inventory’s number, now’s the time to come up with a good excuse, like phone line problems problems or the like.

Step 4:
After you’re directed to the inventory, it’s now just a matter of casually asking to the guy/gal on the other end regarding the unit you had in mind. You’re gonna need the UPC at this point, so keep it ready. Remember: Get creative, and try to sound confident in all this – they can smell fear.

Now, if you luck out and they catch you, it’s just a matter of repeat-rinsing the whole thing, and trying another store. This is just a basic gist of what Mr. Holloway’s suggestion is, so you’ll want to read this article’s source link for an in-depth on how to get your info. We’ve already got a previous articles on a store search function somewhere here, so we’re hoping this’ll go well with this list.

Via Vox

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