Blizzard is taking Armory suggestions, make one now!

The Warcraft Armory - Blizzard to make fixes, taking suggestions - Image 1 

As long as you’re not suggesting to make your entire inventory or gold stash open for viewing, Blizzard might actually put it into their future fixes to the Warcraft Armory. Now everyone knows that the Armory has already been misused, abused or even taken advantage of at one point or another, so this announcement by waxxy Nethaera wasn’t as reassuring to many:

Bug fixes are ongoing, and more features are in the works as well. No electronic shocks are on the schedule, though we will have a way for people to control some of the new information that we are going to be adding in.

More than that, I can’t say since I don’t know what exactly is going to be added as of yet and what bits of information will have a toggle for showing or not showing. We don’t have plans to show a player’s gold [stash] since I know people have thought that was an imminent addition.

But since the changes are very vague (Big Blue isn’t keen on listing what they have planned up for the revealing Armory) but people are hoping that they could at least opt to show their alternate gear sets for PvE, PvP and solo just to “show off” their “uber-purpz” to the less fortunate crowd. If you’ve got a suggestion, just make it out at the forums. Remember: Blizzard is watching you…

A little off-topic note on the side: looks like eternally burning Nethaera ignited some serious flaming desires in the World of Warcraft Forums, and Redmagic, a Level 60 Human Warlock, gave out a seriously hilarious pick up line we won’t mention here. We’ll leave it to you folks to hop over there and spot it for yourselves.

Via WoW Forums

The Warcraft Armory - Blizzard to make fixes, taking suggestions - Image 1 

As long as you’re not suggesting to make your entire inventory or gold stash open for viewing, Blizzard might actually put it into their future fixes to the Warcraft Armory. Now everyone knows that the Armory has already been misused, abused or even taken advantage of at one point or another, so this announcement by waxxy Nethaera wasn’t as reassuring to many:

Bug fixes are ongoing, and more features are in the works as well. No electronic shocks are on the schedule, though we will have a way for people to control some of the new information that we are going to be adding in.

More than that, I can’t say since I don’t know what exactly is going to be added as of yet and what bits of information will have a toggle for showing or not showing. We don’t have plans to show a player’s gold [stash] since I know people have thought that was an imminent addition.

But since the changes are very vague (Big Blue isn’t keen on listing what they have planned up for the revealing Armory) but people are hoping that they could at least opt to show their alternate gear sets for PvE, PvP and solo just to “show off” their “uber-purpz” to the less fortunate crowd. If you’ve got a suggestion, just make it out at the forums. Remember: Blizzard is watching you…

A little off-topic note on the side: looks like eternally burning Nethaera ignited some serious flaming desires in the World of Warcraft Forums, and Redmagic, a Level 60 Human Warlock, gave out a seriously hilarious pick up line we won’t mention here. We’ll leave it to you folks to hop over there and spot it for yourselves.

Via WoW Forums

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