Blizzard on DRM: It’s a lost cause

blizzard-logoEveryone’s got their two cents on the DRM issue surrounding the industry, and practically everyone’s freely given their own two cents on it. Surprisingly enough, gaming bigwig Blizzard has kept their mouth mum on it — until now.





battle_netEveryone’s got their two cents on the DRM issue surrounding the industry, and practically everyone’s freely given their own two cents on it. Surprisingly enough, gaming bigwig Blizzard has kept their mouth mum on it — until now.





For the creators of WoW, DRM is basically a losing battle. Said co-founder Frank Pearce:





“If you start talking about DRM and different technologies to try to manage it, it’s really a losing battle for us, because the community is always so much larger, and the number of people out there that want to try to counteract that technology, whether it’s because they want to pirate the gme or just because it’s a curiosity for them, is much larger than our development teams.”





What we need, he furthers, is for the development teams to focus on content and cool features, not necessarily on anti-piracy technology.





“If we’ve done our job right and implemented in a great way people will want to be connected while they’re playing on the single player campaign so they can stay connected to their friends on and earn the achievements on





The best approach from our perspective is to make sure that you’ve got a full-featured platform that people want to play on, where their friends are, where the community is.”










Via [VG247]



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