Borderlands supply shortage, Gearbox to the rescue

Borderlands - Image 1There may be some glitches here and there, but that’s certainly not stopping gamers from getting hold of Borderlands (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC)– or at least trying to. Reports are coming in, saying that there appears to be a shortage of the game on retail shelves.

Borderlands - Image 1There may be some glitches here and there, but that’s certainly not stopping gamers from getting hold of Borderlands — or at least trying to. Reports are coming in, saying that there appears to be a shortage of the game on retail shelves.

US is said to be experiencing supply issues, as well as Canada, with the latter being attributed to the US$ 40 price tag. Because of this, Gearbox sent out Steve Gibson to say something about the issue.

Talking to Joystiq, Gibson explained that the shortage is actually limited mostly to Xbox 360 version, specifically on the east coast. Having recognized the problem, he then moves to address it, reassuring that Gearbox is in fact “working with production and distribution at ramping up to catch up with demand.” Thursday or Friday should be when the new batch of stocks arrive.

On the west coast, it’s the PlayStation 3 version that’s running into said stock problems. Gibson explains this as being “mostly regional and can be addressed by reallocation,” which, according to him, should happen “quickly.”

Borderlands is also available for PC.

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Via Joystiq

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