Bungie: Anything’s possible after Reach

Bungie - Image 1 Bungie’s answer to the frequently asked question of whether or not they’ll be making any more Halo games has just gotten more vague. Senior designer Lars Bakken said last month that Halo: Reach is likely the last one, but now another Bungie member is saying that they don’t even know.

Halo: Reach - Image 1

Bungie’s answer to the frequently asked question of whether or not they’ll be making any more Halo games has just gotten more vague. Senior designer Lars Bakken said last month that Halo: Reach is likely the last one, but now another Bungie member is saying that they don’t even know.

Community and PR director Brian Jarrard recently told VideoGamer that at this point, there’s no way to say exactly what their next move is:

I wouldn’t confirm or deny at this point. We’re really excited to get Reach out the door. Beyond that, we’re not at liberty to say right now what’s next.

I think there’s a lot of work just to get Reach done between now and next fall. At that point anything’s possible. We’re going to keep looking at making the games we want to make. Maybe that’s Halo. Maybe it’s not. We’ll have to wait and see.

There have been rumors before that Bungie is shopping around a new IP, so that’s something to look forward to. Personally I’d like to see them work on something outside the Halo franchise after Reach.

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Via VideoGamer

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