Bungie releases more details on Halo 3 Downloadable Content

Bungie releases more details on Halo 3 Downloadable Content - Image 1Bungie Studios‘ Content Manager Frank O’Connor (Frankie) has released more details about Halo 3 downloadable content in the recent Bungie Weekly Update. Players will be happy to know that he decided to discuss some of the maps that they’ve been working on.

While they haven’t given a definite release date or the pricing of the new maps, Frankie gave word that they plan on releasing more news about this soon. In the meantime, he discussed his experiences playtesting the new maps:

WeÂ’ve been testing the new maps pretty regularly and I loved all except one, which for the purposes of this article, I shall refer to as, “Purple Reign.” I sometimes have an initially adverse reaction to symmetrical or semi-symmetrical map designs because I am not terribly smart and I sometimes have difficulty become oriented within those types of space. Invariably, I get used to it and learn to love them.

This was just such a case, but when a new slew of architecture was added in the distance recently, it was enough for me to recognize which way was “up,” so to speak. Now I love it. So the good news is that as far as I am concerned, all of the projected DLC maps are sweet. Two of them in particular will cause a Three Mile Island scale pant-fill-disaster in the Halo community. I canÂ’t say why, but some of you will figure it out correctly and be able to say I told you so later.

Judging from what Frankie said, it looks like players will be getting some pretty good maps from Bungie Studios. If the levels are as balanced as the those included with Halo 3 then we can expect more multiplayer fun and hijinks when the the new maps go live on the Xbox Marketplace.

Bungie releases more details on Halo 3 Downloadable Content - Image 1Bungie Studios‘ Content Manager Frank O’Connor (Frankie) has released more details about Halo 3 downloadable content in the recent Bungie Weekly Update. Players will be happy to know that he decided to discuss some of the maps that they’ve been working on.

While they haven’t given a definite release date or the pricing of the new maps, Frankie gave word that they plan on releasing more news about this soon. In the meantime, he discussed his experiences playtesting the new maps:

WeÂ’ve been testing the new maps pretty regularly and I loved all except one, which for the purposes of this article, I shall refer to as, “Purple Reign.” I sometimes have an initially adverse reaction to symmetrical or semi-symmetrical map designs because I am not terribly smart and I sometimes have difficulty become oriented within those types of space. Invariably, I get used to it and learn to love them.

This was just such a case, but when a new slew of architecture was added in the distance recently, it was enough for me to recognize which way was “up,” so to speak. Now I love it. So the good news is that as far as I am concerned, all of the projected DLC maps are sweet. Two of them in particular will cause a Three Mile Island scale pant-fill-disaster in the Halo community. I canÂ’t say why, but some of you will figure it out correctly and be able to say I told you so later.

Judging from what Frankie said, it looks like players will be getting some pretty good maps from Bungie Studios. If the levels are as balanced as the those included with Halo 3 then we can expect more multiplayer fun and hijinks when the the new maps go live on the Xbox Marketplace.

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