Capcom releasing more PSOne titles on PS Store

Ryu - Image 1Sure, they’re getting a lot of flak about their supposed nickel-and-diming ways right now, but Capcom has some pretty good news for PS3 and PSP owners who still love playing through old PSOne games.

Fou-Lu - Image 1Sure, they’re getting a lot of flak about their supposed nickel-and-diming ways right now, but Capcom has some pretty good news for PS3 and PSP owners who still love playing through old PSOne games.

According to a post by Capcom coprorate officer Christian Svensson, the company has already submitted “the first PS1 titles for PSN” last week. Capcom’s John Diamonon said late last year that 2009 will see “a whole slew of downloadable PSP and PSone titles ” from the Capcom vault. I guess this is the start.

No dates or other further details yet, but note that it’s “titles”, as in plural. Man, I hope Breath of FIre 4 is in there somewhere. Even better if it’s an uncensored version! What about you guys? What classic Capcom games do you want to see on the PlayStation Store?

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Via Capcom Unity

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