Capcom: Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is NOT a port…

The new Wiimote related injury? - Image 1IGN reports that When Capcom producer Masachika Kawata took the stage during the Gamers Day 2006 press conference in San Francisco, he insisted that despite some folks worries, their latest project Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii is not a port. He says: “It’s a brand new all original title that has been developed from the ground-up. …It’s a title that isn’t a port of any way, shape or kind.”

While that is true, what got people crying “port” in the first place is the fact that in the latest game you should be able to visit previous stages like the mansion, the train, the police station, and ultimately Umbrella’s stronghold.

Also, what’s most noteworthy about this Resident Evil is that it is an on-rails shooter. To play Umbrella Chronicles all you really need is the Wii remote. The action is pre-set and auto-choreographed.

This is what happens when Duck Hunt, House of the Dead, and the Umbrella Corporation goes out to party and have one too many beers. Sorry folks, this isn’t a “true sequel” to Resident Evil 4.

We’re not saying that the game will be disappointing – far from it. It’ll just be different.

Kawata promises that the title will run for fifteen to twenty hours, and if you’ve played through Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, and 3 you might just scream “Hey, I know this place” or say hello to a known character (everyone from Chris Redfield to Carlos Oliveira shows up here) every now and then.

This isn’t a mindless shooter; it has some puzzle-adventure elements put into it as you can choose paths, pick up items, peek around for hidden items. You can also shoot of zombie arms to at least impede their attack, and you can take time to aim at a zombie’s head – the shot after the wait usually leads to an exploding zombie head. As for the possibility of multiplayer all the producer can say is: “We’re still looking into it…”

The game runs on 480p and 16:9 widescreen at 30 frames a second, and IGN notes that it’s definitely one of the “prettier Wii titles.


The new Wiimote related injury? - Image 1IGN reports that When Capcom producer Masachika Kawata took the stage during the Gamers Day 2006 press conference in San Francisco, he insisted that despite some folks worries, their latest project Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii is not a port. He says: “It’s a brand new all original title that has been developed from the ground-up. …It’s a title that isn’t a port of any way, shape or kind.”

While that is true, what got people crying “port” in the first place is the fact that in the latest game you should be able to visit previous stages like the mansion, the train, the police station, and ultimately Umbrella’s stronghold.

Also, what’s most noteworthy about this Resident Evil is that it is an on-rails shooter. To play Umbrella Chronicles all you really need is the Wii remote. The action is pre-set and auto-choreographed.

This is what happens when Duck Hunt, House of the Dead, and the Umbrella Corporation goes out to party and have one too many beers. Sorry folks, this isn’t a “true sequel” to Resident Evil 4.

We’re not saying that the game will be disappointing – far from it. It’ll just be different.

Kawata promises that the title will run for fifteen to twenty hours, and if you’ve played through Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, and 3 you might just scream “Hey, I know this place” or say hello to a known character (everyone from Chris Redfield to Carlos Oliveira shows up here) every now and then.

This isn’t a mindless shooter; it has some puzzle-adventure elements put into it as you can choose paths, pick up items, peek around for hidden items. You can also shoot of zombie arms to at least impede their attack, and you can take time to aim at a zombie’s head – the shot after the wait usually leads to an exploding zombie head. As for the possibility of multiplayer all the producer can say is: “We’re still looking into it…”

The game runs on 480p and 16:9 widescreen at 30 frames a second, and IGN notes that it’s definitely one of the “prettier Wii titles.


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