CapsLock Key Must DIE!!

CapsLockHow mANY TIMES HAS THIS HAppened to yOU? yOU’RE TYPing along, theN NOTICE suddenLy, you’VE GoT a bUNCh of cAPiTaLS oN tHE pAge wherE THeY SHOULdN’t bE…

Or perhaps you can’t access a web page or a file because that dAMnable thing keeps screwing up your “CaSe-SEnsitIVE” pASsworD?

We don’t know about you, but Pierter Hintjens of Belgian software company iMatrix is mad as hell and  isn’t gonna take it anymore. He has made it his holy crusade to remove the “CapsLock” key from keyboards all over the world. In his blog on Slashdot, he said: “Sure, there are more serious problems to solve but please, think of the children! How am I going to explain to my kids why some of the most valuable keyboard real estate is squatted by a large, useless key that above all you must not press!”

Hintjens has launched a new blog called and has gone so far as to start a CappsOff forum on Google. The forum has 300 members, and its growing.

It’s true that the Caps Lock key can be a problem. Still, there are software solutions already available that can deactivate the key, as well as many custom keyboards on the market. Is Hintjens overreacting…? What do YoU thInK?

Via New Scientist

CapsLockHow mANY TIMES HAS THIS HAppened to yOU? yOU’RE TYPing along, theN NOTICE suddenLy, you’VE GoT a bUNCh of cAPiTaLS oN tHE pAge wherE THeY SHOULdN’t bE…

Or perhaps you can’t access a web page or a file because that dAMnable thing keeps screwing up your “CaSe-SEnsitIVE” pASsworD?

We don’t know about you, but Pierter Hintjens of Belgian software company iMatrix is mad as hell and  isn’t gonna take it anymore. He has made it his holy crusade to remove the “CapsLock” key from keyboards all over the world. In his blog on Slashdot, he said: “Sure, there are more serious problems to solve but please, think of the children! How am I going to explain to my kids why some of the most valuable keyboard real estate is squatted by a large, useless key that above all you must not press!”

Hintjens has launched a new blog called and has gone so far as to start a CappsOff forum on Google. The forum has 300 members, and its growing.

It’s true that the Caps Lock key can be a problem. Still, there are software solutions already available that can deactivate the key, as well as many custom keyboards on the market. Is Hintjens overreacting…? What do YoU thInK?

Via New Scientist

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