iPhone Homebrew – MobileLog v1.0
If you don’t like clutter on your iPhone, especially with your calls and text logs, then this app is for you. MobileLog provides you with...
iPhone homebrew – MobileGate v1.0
Here’s a useful app for your iPhone. Ever had nasty stalkers, bad exes, and people that just won’t shut up? With Mobile Gate, you can...
iPhone homebrew – ReflectiveDock v1.4
Developer David Ashman has released a quick update for ReflectiveDock, an extension for the iPhone that mimics the reflective dock look from the 1.1.x days...
iPhone homebrew – AdBlock v2.0
CocoaMug Software’s AdBlock v2.0 is a nice application to add to the stuff already in your jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch. It keeps all those...
iPhone homebrew – iMood v1.1
Dominic Wroblewski’s homebrew app iMood lets you do two things: make large scrolling banners or display an emoticon and a short message on your iPhone...
iPhone Homebrew – iConference v1.0
We have here iConference for your Apple iPhone, a homebrew application that lets you make ad hoc conferences with anyone, everywhere. It also gives you...
iPhone 3G FW 2.2.1 unlocked: PwnageTool 2.2.5, QuickPwn 2.2.5 released
It’s another jailbreak! The latest v2.2.1 firmware that Apple rolled out for the iPhone and iPod Touch the other day has now been countered. The...
iPhone homebrew – WiggleFree
Here’s a simple, but useful brew for your iPhone. WiggleFree basically keeps your icons from wiggling. What makes that useful? Apparently, those wriggling icons actually...
iPhone homebrew – TalkMe v0.1
Here’s a cool brew for your iPhone. TalkMe adds a text-to-speech function into your iPhone that’ll actually read your SMS messages aloud. More info inside....
iPhone homebrew – Pusher v2.2.1
v2.2.1 of this iPhone homebrew just got released. It’s Pusher by RiP Dev, and this nifty brew unlocjs the filesystem of your iPhone and puts...