Project Dipstar Cheat Device v2.51 by Imaha486
Imaha486 has made a cheat program a.k.a. “Pro Action Replay” for Project Dipstar. He has applied the MKDS-Patch and it reads the cheat code which...
Resident Evil Touch Secret
We have all imagined the possibilities of DS’s touch screen… And the following video will confirm a part of it. Impressive, but… ahem… Download: [Resident...
Secret Courses in Mario Kart DS?
Source: n-centeral Parasyte over at GSCentral has discovered some very interesting things whilst tinkering with his Mario Kart game. Nintendo began remaking extra courses for...
Hidden Recorder in Akadoko
A hidden recorder function has been found in Akadoko (Where do babies come from). Press Down+Y in the title screen, you will be able to...
Secret of the Playan – Mr. Picto Dance
Own a Playan? Have you ever been tapping the A button according to the rythm unintentionally while listening to the music? Nintendo has released a tutorial...