Category: Screenshots

The Divine: Screens and a vid

Packom Interactive’s Third-person Space Shooter, The Divine, has some new screens and vids after several months without any major public announcement. Surely the Packom folks...

The Sims: Life Stories more screenies

Just like my fellow blogger Karl B. here, I sucked had a hard time playing Sims. Although I didn’t personally experience my virtual kids taken...

Attack on Pearl Harbor: the first trailer

Sweden-based game publisher Legendo Entertainment has just released the first in a series of trailers for their upcoming title for the PC, Attack on Pearl...

First batch of JAZZ: Hired Guns screens

After officially announcing their upcoming turn-based strategy PC gameJAZZ: Hired Guns, GFI Russia is back to bring us a hefty serving of screens to finally...

New Quake Wars screenshots

It’s screenshot time once again, and right now we’re turning the spotlight on Splash Damage‘s and id Software‘s multiplayer shooter Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Check...