Category: Homebrew Applications

PSPMillionaire Question Pack 1 for PSP

PSPMillionaire has emailed us his PSPMillionaire Question Pack 1 for PSPMillionaire v1.0a. This is a game based from the TV gameshow “Who Wants To Be...

Today’s AOTM Mods for PSP

The following mods are based upon DeNitroÂ’s Attack of The Mutants. DropZone   TracerTong has emailed us his new mod: DropZone. You can get the...

PSPPOP Email Checker Released

Curly has released a handy program for the PSP titled PSPPOP. PSPPOP allows a user to check their email via the PSPÂ’s Wi-Fi connection and a POP...

Today’s AOTM Mods for PSP

The following mods are based upon DeNitroÂ’s Attack of The Mutants. SOCOM 2   Our forum user “Konig94” has emailed us his mod of AOTM...

Attack of the Mutants 0.4 for the PSP

DeNitro has updated his space arcade shooter game Attack of the Mutants to version 0.4. This very polished shooter was entered in our Homebrew Contest....

CNReader Fix v4.1 for PSP

   Ahtya from PSPChina has updated the CNReader to fix v4.1. CNReader is an ebook reader which supports multiple languages. It is originally created by...

LUA Hiragana Quiz for the PSP

Michael Forney has emailed us his LUA Hiragana Quiz for the PSP. LUA Hiragana Quiz is created with the original idea from Blue Jay, for...

F-Secure Demonstrates Bricking a PSP

Pretty self explanitory.  A video of anti-virus company F-Secure, demonstrating malicious code bricking a PSP. You can get it in our PSP Download section [here]....

Heretic for PSP v0.1

Sherpya has updated his heretic port for the PSP to version 0.1. This version comes with the shareware .wad (level) file as well. HereÂ’s what the...