Category: Homebrew Development

Danzeff OSK Source Released

Danzel, the author of AFKIM, has released the stand-alone source code of the new OSK (On-Screen Keyboard) in his 2.0 version of AFKIM. Other developers...

Stick Avalanche v2a released

Stick Avalanche is a homebrew game developed by MaSt3r_ShAk3 of our forums. Today, he released version 2a which adds some new things to the game...

New Monkey64 (N64 Emulator) screenshots!

PSMonkey has a little hunt going on for Easter on his home forums at PSP-News. The objective was to find screenshots of his project, Monkey64...

Cloud Strife Ski Free Mod

LNATropic from our forums has released a mod for the new Ski Free game based on Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7. Replace the folder...

UMDGen v3 in the works

UMDGen allows the user to rebuild his UMD (Universal Media Disc) images into an .ISO file format for use of his PSP with loaders or...

Wario Ware Minigame Development Kit

youresam from our forums has just uploaded another great tool for all PSP homebrew developers. It basically allows you to make and run your “minigames”....

Wario Ware Minigame dev kit 1.0 released!

Youresam from our forums has released his Wario Ware mini game development kit v1.0. This development kit is basically an emulator for creating mini games...

FInal Fantasy 7 port for PSP?

You read it correctly.  An individual that goes by the name thefirstWaRLoRD has now commenced work on a Port for the RPG Final Fantasy 7. ...