Category: QJ.NET

Introducing QJ.NET Blog Logins

Hey guys, we went live with a new build of our CMS today which now allows users to log in to the QJ.NET blogs, and...

How will LocationFree impact you?

Many people may have heard about the the Playstation 3 having LocationFree capabilities. What is this? And why do you want it? Well, the short...

Engadget Interviews Reggie Fils-Aime

Engadget recently interviewed Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo’s Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing. In the interview he reveals that “Revolution” is still just a codename...

Legend of Zelda Turns 20

Twenty years from today, The Legend of Zelda made its way on the Japanese Famicom (known as NES in America). The Legend of Zelda is...

Sony rebuffs delayed launch

In an interview with the Seattle Times, Sony spokesperson, Kei Sakaguchi has denied ongoing rumors of the Playstation 3 launch being delayed. He went on...

Fake or real? – PS3 controller photo

Yet another shot of the elusive PS3 controller is making it way around the net. Either someone has some pretty decent Photoshop skills, or this...

Epic Game’s Mark Rein Interviewed

Computer and Videogames have managed to track down vice president of Epic Game’s Mark Rein for a hefty four page interview. They touch on everything...

Real Holograms, The Future Is Now!

Xbox 360, PS3, Revolution? Pah! Welcome the real next generation!The Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has been showing off a...

The future of the touchscreen monitor

If you’ve ever watched Minority Report and thought to yourself, “Wow… that touch screen interface would be amazing!”, your wait may be comming to and...